A Popable Is A Small Component That Pops Out Of The Screen, Allowing You To Display Information O …

They are great for creating tooltips, dropdowns, modals, and more. They can be positioned on the screen based on the mouse position, or based on a reference element.

Walmart recently partnered with pop-up shop marketplace platform Popable to help small businesses rent retail space in Walmart stores. They hope that the partnership will help small businesses get back on their feet after facing the recent recession. Popable leases are typically one to three months, but there is also the option of longer-term arrangements.

To use pop up brands a Popable component, you must have the latest version of React Native Web. This version of React introduces hover events for Pressable and Popovers. The usePopable hook is a handy way to hide and show the Popover. This hook will also work for menus. The popover will render text or React elements if any are provided